Here, you can downloading deskjet 3050 All-in-One HP print drivers J610a series for free that support Windwos XP, Vista, 7 and 8. This link taken from HP official site and you can download directly from here without advertisement.
Download link : HP Deskjet 3050 driver
File size : 54,1 MB
Download link : HP Deskjet 3050 driver
File size : 54,1 MB
How to install Deskjet 3050 HP Print drivers
This driver software used as interface between the printer and the computer. This means that without this drivers your computer not know about detail specification of the printer and sure the printer cannot work properly. So, after download finished you must install on your computer. This drivers file .exe formatted so you just need to double clicks the file you have downloaded and the drivers installation will begin, follow instructions there to finish.Sumber