sedikit mengulas ihwal Samsung Note 4 (SM-N910SLK) yang lagi ane gunakan kini Samsung Note 4 Type S alias Korean Version yang udah Support 4G/LTE sedangkan yang banyak beredar di Indonesia Type SM-N910H tapi sayang belum support 4GLTE hanya WCDMA saja.
awal mula ane beli dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau bagi ane, di Bukalapak.
tetapi dikala memakai si note 4 pada awalnya sangat mengecewakan, alasannya ialah fitur sms nya tidak support 99 karakter, dan notif recived sms nya tidak ada yang menyulitkan aku untuk mengakses aplikasi menyerupai BCA Mobile.
hampir 1 bulan karenanya ane sanggup link yang sanggup membantu ane mencar ilmu lebih banyak seputar Si N4,
Berikut beberapa Customrom yang udah pernah ane pake dan berdasarkan ane mantaaap.
Note 4 N910SLK Convert To N910C (International rom 6.0.1)
This rom is full fix for note4 korean to international Rom version 6.0.1 N920C Note5 port for note4 1. Keep eRobot original rom. 2. Hot Fix + Voice for South Note4. 3. Fix or current report card. 4. * # 0 * #, * 101 #, * # 06 #, call waiting for Welders. 5 Fix Delete messages, schedule messages, ......... 6. Mod all multiwindow app WAY UP: - Phone must be in android 6.0.1 - Copy rom in the phone memory or memory card - at full recovery wipe: - FLASH ROM (in Aroma can add N910SLK own kernel and N916SLK) REBOOT You do not like to flash the kernel in the rom then add kernel + SuperSU.
Erobot rom v19 for Galaxy Note 4 N910 - 916 SLK fix rom | C5 & Note 7 Style 6.0.1ROM Features Rom v6.0.1 Based On Phone : XXS2DPL6 ,CSC :OLB2DPE3 ,Modem :XXU1DPC1 Full Deodexed and ZipAlign Bloodware app removed In-Out Call Recorder Add Shutter sound on/off to camera 3 Minit battery mod Callog show All call by default 5 way reboot Full remove Knox Setting togle to show or hide network trafic on statusbar Mod custom toolbox (Support 12 app) SmsMaxByte = 999 Contact Set Link Count Max As = 999 Contact Extend Speed Dial To 100 Contact Limit Name Length = 1500 Enable Sms Callback Number Enable SMS FolderView Enable Blocked Messages Enable Locked Messages Enable Callback Number Disable Sms To Mms Conversion By Text Input Enable Call/message block on setting Note 5 DPI Weather widget size fix to 5×1 Mod weather to look like note 5 weather 25 Toggle Statusbar Add note 5 Setup Wizard Add Floating message Add Note 5 theme (Support app icon only) Add bloatware remove scripts Add Note 5 Splanner Support 3 multi user Other features live V.7 Note7 and Note 5 and S7 app port – Gallery – Myfiles – Calculator – Clock – Touchwiz – S Planner – Write on PDF – S-Voice – Note – Browser – Keyboard – S Planner – Music Player – Voice recorder – Smart manager – Memo – Contact and Call – Smart manager – Note7 smart select – Note7 Air command – Game Home Launcher etc. Aroma Installer Galaxy Note4 or Note7 Camera No wipe or Full wipe or Super Full Wipe Note 4 or Note7 Contact Note 5 or Note7 Touchwiz 7 Style SystemUI 3 statusbar clock style ASOP Signal icon Note7 app icon pack S7 Setting Style 5 Kernel Chooser (Stock ,SpaceLemon ,H-Vitamin V2 ,Suemax V3 ,Talexop V1.51) Multi CSC (Total 80 Country) Galaxy Note5 or Note7 Gallery Viper4Android Viper4Arise etc. ChangeLogs V.17.1 Add 2 Kernel on Aroma Installer(H-Vitamin V2 ,Suemax V3) Enable Home Screen Setting to Note7 Touchwiz Enable show all apps on home screen feature to Note7 touchwiz Update SuperSu to V.2.79 Stable Add Phone Dialpad to Ultra power saving mode Add Note7 Ultra power saving mode Edit some graphic on Note7 Touchwiz Other features like V.17 etc. Credit and Spacial Thanks Xda development 3Minit battery mod team — Threads Xperiacle djmax81 thanhfhuongf Albe95 Chainfire ksr007 iBotPeaches danecr7 LukasAddon talexop Winb33 Hani K. osm0sis daxgirl xHoLyx and viper4arise team Samsung Mobile and the develoment who share information please tell me if i miss How to flash eRobot ROM -Do it by your own risk - Step 1: Request is the latest in the background stock 6.0 &TWRP - Step 2: In full wipe Recovery: data / cache / dalvik / system - Step 3: Flash ROM :!KN1XWS7T!F5_2Iltg5C... - Step 4: Flash Kernel : - Step 5: Reboot - Step 6: After completing boot machine, back machine flash SU if desired Root -TWRP N910slk: -TWRP N916slk: BUG V.17.1 Edge lighting not work. Edge feeds not work. Note7 Camera some feature not work
916 NFC Fixed bug NOT KNOW NOT, SHOULD BEWARE OF YOURSELVES UP.Based On Phone: XXS2DPQB9, CSC: OLB2DPE3Full Deodexed and Zipalignroot SuperSUBloodware app removedPrint-Out Call RecorderAdd Shutter sound on / off to the camera3 MINIT battery modAll call by default show Callog5 way rebootFull remove KnoxSetting to show or hide the network togle trafic on statusbarMod custom toolbox (Support 12 app)SmsMaxByte = 999Contact Set Link As Max Count = 999Contact Extend Speed ??Dial To 100Contact Limit Name Length = 1500Enable SMS Callback NumberEnable SMS FolderViewEnable Blocked MessagesEnable Locked MessagesEnable Callback NumberDisable Conversion By Sms To Mms Text InputEnable Call / message block on settingNote 5 DPI
916 NFC Fixed bug NOT KNOW NOT, SHOULD BEWARE OF YOURSELVES UP.Based On Phone: XXS2DPQB9, CSC: OLB2DPE3Full Deodexed and Zipalignroot SuperSUBloodware app removedPrint-Out Call RecorderAdd Shutter sound on / off to the camera3 MINIT battery modAll call by default show Callog5 way rebootFull remove KnoxSetting to show or hide the network togle trafic on statusbarMod custom toolbox (Support 12 app)SmsMaxByte = 999Contact Set Link As Max Count = 999Contact Extend Speed ??Dial To 100Contact Limit Name Length = 1500Enable SMS Callback NumberEnable SMS FolderViewEnable Blocked MessagesEnable Locked MessagesEnable Callback NumberDisable Conversion By Sms To Mms Text InputEnable Call / message block on settingNote 5 DPINote4 weather widget fixed size to 5 × 1Mod to look like notes note4 weather 5 weather25 Toggle StatusbarAdd notes 5 Setup WizardAdd Floating message for Note7 Only SMS appAdd Note 5 theme (Support TouchWiz app icon only)Add Note 5 SplannerUltra power saving mode Add Note73 multi user supportNote7 and Note 5 and S7 and C5 app port- Gallery- MyFiles- Calculator- Clock- TouchWiz- S Planner- Write on PDF- S-Voice- Note- Browser- Keyboard- S Planner- Music Player- Voice recorder- Smart manager- Memo- Contact and Call- Note7 Smart manager- smart Note7 select- Note7 Air command- Home Game Launcheretc.Aroma InstallerNo wipe or full wipe or Super Full WipeNote 4 or Note7 ContactNote 5 or Note7 Touchwiz7 Style SystemUI3 statusbar clock styleSignal icon AsopNote7 app icon packS7 Setting StyleNote 4 or Note5 KeyboardEdge screen4 Kernel Chooser (Stock, Vitamin H-V2, V3 Suemax, Talexop V1.51)2 Modem Chooser (XXU1DPE3 or XXU1DPI1)Remove bloatware app script (Total 24 app)Multi CSC (Total 80 Country)Viper4AndroidViper4Ariseetc.changelogs V.19New based rom XXS2DQB9Android sceurity patch 1 Feb. 2017Remove note7 CameraAdd scripts remove bloatware againAdd Samsung browser V.5.2.xAdd email Note7 againFixed Youtube 4K (by default based rom)Other features like V.18Link welders: